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The problem with being realistic

I spoke yesterday to a young boy, about 13years old by my calculation. He had a brilliant idea for a start-up and needed help building an app. His idea was so bold and had huge potential for success. I was awestruck by the fact that this boy dared to dream this big."This child is definitely going to be great someday", I thought. Then I thought some more. I used to be this guy, the young dreamer. What had happened to me? If this same idea had come to me, I probably would've over-thought it. I would have thought about all the things that would stop me. To be realistic, there are a lot of things that could’ve stopped me. I didn't have what it takes to pull this off. Even though I write some code, I'm not exactly a "world-class developer", and I would need some extra skills to run a start up. I could learn, but where was the time? How would I juggle drawing bending moment and shear force diagrams, and learning all the stuff I need to make this work? Th
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